A CEO is challenged to excel in identifying the Best Next Move in three areas: Teams, Means, and Messaging. The knowledge base and skill sets for those three areas are very different. But wait! No mention of Product? Products are exactly that: a Product of Teams, Means, and Messaging and all the knowledge and coordinated efforts spent in those are three key areas. So, is “it” done yet? “It” is the Product. That keeps you focused. But “done”? This is a process and Products only launch from time to time—so the answer will be “no” almost every time you ask. The criteria for determining “done” is articulated and measured in three languages: Teams, Means, and Messaging.
Do we have the right people on the project?
Does each one of them know what to do?
Are they committed to deliver?
Do they have the right tools?
Does the company expense rate support the time frames?
What if it takes longer?
What if it’s hugely successful, will it scale fast enough before the clients get frusrated?
Is it the right product for the target market?
Will the target market recognize its value?
Is it priced right?
• Propane Gas Market Deal Analysis and Transaction Accounting (Hadson Gas)
• Retail Banking Sales Tools
(Hogan Systems)
Always prioritize selling Product before Equity: Recognizing the critical need for the elusive sales & marketing expertise in Technology-oriented businesses, Harriett co-founded the consulting group, BaylonST (Sales Technology) to help clients find and stay on the shortest route to Revenue.
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